Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Mommy let me update my blog last night, she gave me all the time in the world--and I wasn't suspicious, but I shoulda been! Once I was done, she put me in the tub and started a bath! Ah! I hate baths!!!!
Luckily, mommy didn't take any pictures,
it's so
when she takes

pictures... here's one from a different bath a few
months ago...

Instead of a bath, I would have much rather preferred a nice car ride...

But alas, you take what you can get. And I must say, my fur is stunningly soft and pee---riitttyy again!


Duke said...

Hi Sid,
I don't like baths either! I like the towel drying part and the hugs and kisses because we smell good but me and soap and water don't get along too well!
CT is beautiful! I've never been to Maine but mom has once and she said it was lovely and she wouldn't mind one bit living there!

Love ya lots,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You look kinda cool with the spiky hair. But I'm glad to hear that you're all fluffy and smelling nice now. :)

~ girl girl

Anonymous said...

Hey - do you play the towel game after a bath? I love that part - Mom throws it over me and I run around like a maniac. Or I roll and roll around in it. It's SOOOO much fun!

Casper and pals said...

We don't like baths either, but after a bath we go crazy running zoomies all over the house!!!

Woofs, Casper

PS- no, Nikki and Buddy don't have there own blogs. Humm, momma says I might have to start sharing blogging time and let them do some blogging on MY blog. HUMF!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sidka.
So sorry you don't like baths! Our blogger friends call me crazy because I love them!
Have a nice day

L said...

We don't like baths either! The towel game afterwards is fun though. I wish we could just skip the bath and go straight to the towels!

Kien said...

Aawww... Sid, baths wasn't that bad after all.. I love baths!!.. my favourite!!.. and am same as others.. i love after shower towel 'fight' great fun!!.. U should try it!

Golden Rossi