Sunday, August 5, 2007

new collar!

Mommy got me a new collar! Yay!! See, it's a long story.....

one time when I was at Chloe's we were outside and I was on her metal leash (because I chewed through the regular one...woops) and I just so excited about something I ran and my collar stayed with the leash, but I didn't. So Mommy had to borrow a collar from Chloe that she doesn't use because she wears a harness (I chewed through one of those too...what can I saw?). It was a pink and purple collar-yuck! I hated it!! But mommy got me a new one of my very own! It's red and white and blue and it has American flags on it and it says USA.

It looks kind of like this, except with letters.

Mommy would upload a picture of me wearing the collar...but umm...I chewed through her cord that links the computer to her camera. umm...ANYWAY...

My collar is pretty and I'm so happy!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Sidka.
Glad you have a new collar. But what are we going to do without your pictures??
I hope you hadn't eaten that cord and that your mom gest a replacement soon!
Have a good night

Hana said...

Hi Sid, you got a pretty fine collar there. I hope it lasts and that you don't chew through it! Yeah, like Lorenza says, hopefully your mom will get a replacement cord soon for your camera. What's a blog without pictures? :-(

Hana said...

p.s. My mom replied to your mom's email on Wednesday. Not sure if your mom changed her mind about you-know-what (we don't want you-know-who to know about the you-know-what because I know that was supposed to be a surprise). But, my mom will email the message again, just in case it went to spam.

Anonymous said...

Sid - you're my hero - my chewing hero! But stick to shoes and not camera cords!

Casper and pals said...

Hey Sid, wow you are one chewing eskie- a leash, a harness and a computer cord. That's impressive!

Kien said...

Hi Sidka.. its been long i didn't visit you.. sorry!... And wow.. i didn't know that you such a great chewer!.. i love to bite my collar too.. hehehe..

Golden Rossi

Dandy Duke said...

I can't wait to see your new collar on your neck! How come you don't like pink and purple? It's one of my favorite color combinations!

Love ya lots,