Friday, February 8, 2008

Thank you!

Hello every dog,
It's me Sidka!
I've been gone for a little while, I know. My momma and Dad are really busy moving and going to school and going to the human place called work.
We're living in a new house! It used to be grammie's house. Now she is holding her doggie Jasmine and my best friend Chloe up in heaven. I've got a lot more room to run and do zoomies! And I get to play outside a lot more! Guess what? Today is Friday and it's been snowing here since Tuesday! It's still snowing right now! I love the snow!
I want to thank everyone for the nice words and out pouring of thoughts. I didn't know I was going to be in the DWB news! How do I find it?
Mom and I just went to check up on our blog after stumbling across it in a google search and we saw we had 18 comments! Wow we said!
In our new home, we're with two kitties! My sister Ginny and my other sister Pooka! They're not getting along...but I like them both!
Thanks everyone! I love you!


Molly the Airedale said...

A new house! How awesome, Sidka! We wish we'd get snow like you're getting! We hardly got any this winter!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Casper and pals said...

Hi Sidka, It was me (Casper) who told DWB News after I read about your grammie and then about Chloe. I hope that is okay. DWB News is a way we all can keep in touch about the good, bad and sad things that are happening to us doggies. You can find DWB News at

It's neat because you can even download a widget to your blog so you can read the latest news right on your own blog.

It's good to see you back!

Woofs from Casper, Buddy, Nikki and Momma

Katherine and Pippa said...

Hello Sidka
I was going to add about DWB News, but Casper has beaten me to it. There is a Send in a Story box on the sidebar that any dog can use to let us know what is happening.

Of course, if mistress is slow off the mark, it might not go up straightaway, but we try and post within 24 hours or so of receiving the news.

Incidentally do you have your blog set up so that you get automatically notified by email of any comments? Then you would know when lots of us pups pass by.

Pleased you are back and that you have more space. I don't do zoomies but I like lots of space so I can sleep in different places.

(DWB News Ed when I am not asleep)

Isis said...

Hello! a new house huh? I've spent my whole life in this one... whats it like moving? I'm glad you can do zoomies more!

And i got snow too! Come see my pictures sometime!

Hana said...

Hi Sidka. Nice to see you're back. I hope things are going okay and that you're all adjusting.